March 24, 2019


March 2019 Seven Things


The callas are in bloom. The lemon and kumquat trees are burdened with fruit. The loquat is oddly shedding its leaves, and we just lost a beautiful upright rosemary. One of my great loves, living in Colorado, was the garden downtime in the winter. But there is no growing downtime in Santa Barbara. Things just keep reaching for the sun, and when we get rain in the winter (we got so much beautiful rain this winter without any disasters!) our little yard simply sprouts weeds. It's like those seeds have been scattered in every crevice and corner and in one big shout they all shoot for the sky! Most days--these days--you will find me at some point planted flat on my bottom or on my knees, in my favorite scrappy blue jeans, digging up dandelions, grass shoots, and baby palm trees. 


Just finished. A baby blanket made with lace alpaca wool for a dear young friend.


All vegan these days. Have you tried the Oh She Glows Cheerful Chocolate Smoothie? Because my son is 13, and growing about an inch every other day (just bought ANOTHER new pair of shoes) and he is hanging in there with our current vegan-ness, I am always keeping an extra smoothie in the fridge for when he's hungry. This smoothie is pretty great. 2 cups almond milk (we use one almond and one oat), 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 4 pitted medjool dates, 1/4 cup avocado, pinch of sea salt, three ice cubes, then blend.


Have you seen Spyridon's Shoes by Christine Rogers? It's the latest book that I edited and helped produce for Ancient Faith Publishing and it's a beautiful, inspiring story.  In other news, the book on confession that I worked on with illustrator, Nicholas Malara, got stuck at the printer and has been there for ages. I've decided not to be mad at anyone (or I would have to go to confession!!!) and got news that it will be shipping at the end of the month to our warehouse in Chicago.


One of my best friends growing up was afflicted with Cystic Fibrosis. I've been writing a book about her for forever, and I'm finally nearing the end! 


Ancient Rome. My homeschooling son and I are being tutored by my oldest son, who lives in Seattle, and is a history guru. Every Friday we chat online about Roman legends and supposed truths and the expansionist regime of the Roman Republic (and Empire). We are about to read Shakespeare's Julius Caesar aloud, which should be super fun.


We live in a very small house, on a very small lot, but it's plenty big for all of us, including #OhZuko, whose birthday it is today! We have been doing some work to our 1937 home (new windows soon!), and won't be traveling this year, because we are especially dreaming of putting a new patio and outdoor dining table out by our lemon tree so we can utilize every tiny inch of our little space. We'll see!

Hope you're all well on this beautiful Monday.



Published: March 24, 2019 | Filed under: Me

Comments (10)
Monica said:
March 25, 2019 @ 5:09 PM

If you like to listen to podcasts while gardening, you might enjoy the podcast “The Play’s the Thing” which just did an act by act discussion of The play Julius Caesar with a literary teacher, a historian, and a classicist.

jane g meyer replied:
March 26, 2019 @ 9:47 AM

Thanks, Monica. We'll check that out!

Tammy Makoul said:
March 25, 2019 @ 7:25 PM

Jane! I’m trying that smoothie! smells amazing. My love to J.R. And everything you’re doing sounds amazing....if only I could garden in a would be my heaven.

jane g meyer replied:
March 26, 2019 @ 9:47 AM

My love back!

GretchenJoanna said:
March 25, 2019 @ 9:21 PM

My first garden ever was in Santa Barbara -- well, Isla Vista :-) -- the first year of my marriage. That garden didn't go well, being carved out of a topsoil-free empty acreage behind our apartment building. A learning experience. But next, the borders of a small lawn at our duplex rental, and that one flourished as you describe, though I tended it little and briefly. It was a great place to get encouragement in what has become a huge part of my life. And the narrow space between our bedroom window and a fence held calla lilies, my first personal contact with those elegant beauties that I now cannot get rid of when I try!

jane g meyer replied:
March 26, 2019 @ 9:46 AM

Really? Isla Vista? Who knew... Yes, I love your flower photos on IG... We finally learned to let our callas (and several other plants here in our yard) grow where they wish instead of try to impose our own wishes. Gardens--and their development and maintenance--hold so many wonderful moments and lessons for us!

Elizabeth said:
March 26, 2019 @ 7:22 AM

oh how fun!!! The book by C R is WONDERFUL I just loved it!!! How neat about the table and patio! and Roman studies + the online chat!!! that smoothie sounds lovely! I need to be making them again! :) but I would have to add greens as I need more of these and need to get on that post-haste! God bless you dear one! I am always so happy to read about your doings here! oh and your novel you are working on, I look forward to, DV, reading that one day! God bless!

Elizabeth said:
March 26, 2019 @ 7:22 AM

oh how fun!!! The book by C R is WONDERFUL I just loved it!!! How neat about the table and patio! and Roman studies + the online chat!!! that smoothie sounds lovely! I need to be making them again! :) but I would have to add greens as I need more of these and need to get on that post-haste! God bless you dear one! I am always so happy to read about your doings here! oh and your novel you are working on, I look forward to, DV, reading that one day! God bless!

jane g meyer replied:
March 26, 2019 @ 9:44 AM

The 2014 Oh She Glows cookbook, (Over 100 Vegan Recipes to Glow from the Inside Out) has a bunch of green smoothie recipes. I checked it out from the library last year, and then decided to buy our own copy this year. Thank you for your sweet words!

Elizabeth said:
March 26, 2019 @ 7:23 AM

oh, it posted 2x, sorry about that! :) at least I am enthusiastic! :)

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