November 18, 2016



Perjantai. Friday.

Anyone else excited that it's the weekend?!

So, John Ronan and I put on the piano guys and listened to a little Christmas music while doing math this morning. Friday is our art day, and cookie day when we think of it. But instead of cookies, today we sauntered off to a coffee shop and drank decaf, and read about the Wyeth family. We're studying the artwork of Andrew Wyeth all November. It was quite the moment when we both stumbled on the Helga Pictures. :)

Tomorrow we're making an advent wreath for the table, and in between we've brainstormed several ways to give during this time of almsgiving. One way is by giving slices of cucumber to our dog (he really loves cucumber). Obviously, our interpretation is wide and all-encompassing! We'll share that list with you tomorrow.

Cheers, friends!


Published: November 18, 2016 | Filed under: Me

Comments (4)
Kakia S. said:
November 18, 2016 @ 9:48 PM

Hi! The mention of the Helga pictures led me to search for Andrew Wyeth online. What a fascinating story! Thanks for sharing.

jane g meyer replied:
November 19, 2016 @ 7:50 AM

Yes, very interesting people--the Wyeths, and Andrew Wyeth's style is hands down one of my favorites...

Michael Wilds said:
November 18, 2016 @ 11:13 PM

Take a long and careful look at N.C. Wyeth. His illustrations of children's books are breathtaking.

jane g meyer replied:
November 19, 2016 @ 7:49 AM

Yes! We have four of N.C.'s books here in the house and have been pouring over the illustrations, and are reading a lovely little book that gives short biographies of N.C., Andrew, and Andrew's son, Jamie--all artists. An interesting thing about N.C. that keeps coming up in documentaries and written accounts--is that he didn't appreciate his own work that much. He continually wanted to paint landscapes--well, he did paint them, but never felt that they were worth much. He encouraged his son Andrew to paint in a non-commercial sense, and Andrew did pursue more of a fine art path. Fascinating people...

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