December 10, 2015


The Dog Ate My Tote Bag :: Giveaway!

 A long while ago now, I made my first little crocheted tote bag using a pattern from Attic 24. I purchased a myriad of colored wool and worked away during a three-week road trip with my family. Since then I've added cotton lining to the bags--I also felt the bags so they're easily washable, and just move from row to row, deciding on size as I go.

Recently I worked up four more bags, since my stash of wool needed to be thinned. 

They're pretty cute, and they're useful, but what I didn't realize is that they're EDIBLE!

Especially when you name the red and white one, which I was just about to give away, Peppermint.

Our dog, Zuko, who is evidently still very much an eight-month old puppy, stole this sweet bag from the clothesline, ate part of the handle, buried the bag in the dirt, then proceeded to gnaw on the clothespin, which my son pulled out of his mouth just before swallowing. Zuko is a certified glutton, and will be punished with prostrations. That dog seriously will eat anything that isn't a porcupine.

I made him pose for this picture. 

So instead of giving away Poor Peppermint, which I intend to somehow mend, I'm happy to give away the other three, if anyone's interested. I know Peppermint is the very cutest--I totally agree--but don't blame me, blame it on the DOG! :)

Red-Orange House

Brown-Blue Check

Grey Seattle Stripe

Details about the giveaway are in the comments. 



Published: December 10, 2015 | Filed under: You

Comments (19)
jane g meyer said:
December 10, 2015 @ 9:06 AM

Red-Orange House and Brown-Blue Check are small; they are child-size and good for toting fun things around. Grey Seattle Stripe is bigger, and an adult or child could put it to use. It will hold more than a dozen lemons.... Because these bags are felted, they're washable! If they fall apart, it's all my fault! To enter the giveaway, just list which bag you'd like, and why. I'll pick the winners on Wednesday, December 16th.

Stephanie said:
December 10, 2015 @ 9:17 AM

I would love the red-orange house because I have red hair and I like fabric with houses printed on it. I would carry a small knitting project or a book or my lunch. My second choice would be the gray Seattle stripe and I would carry a bigger knitting project and a book and a snack. I was going to make one for myself when you shared the pattern, but then I saw that it was crocheted and I said, "Rats!" Because I don't crochet which is why I need to win one instead.

jane g meyer replied:
December 17, 2015 @ 7:59 PM

Stephanie--you won the red-orange house! :)

Michelle said:
December 10, 2015 @ 9:19 AM

My daughter loves the Brown-Blue Check, so I am entering for her :)

jane g meyer replied:
December 17, 2015 @ 7:58 PM

You won the brown-blue check bag, Michelle!

Kh. Tammy said:
December 10, 2015 @ 9:48 AM

Well Jane, I would love Peppermint! Your dog loved it and so would mine!!!!! I know that's special and not up for the game, but how sweet. Reminded me of the day's my Finnegan was a puppy, now at 13, he still acts like a puppy. I would love any of the beautiful creations made with your hands, I'm not picky! Love, yours truly, Kh. Tammy

Kristina Wenger said:
December 10, 2015 @ 9:49 AM

The red and orange one has so many houses close together just like Puerto Montt, Chile, where my nephew lives!(He likes to carry things around - especially clothespins - so he'd get a lot of use out of it!) :D

Arlie said:
December 10, 2015 @ 10:12 AM

How lovely, Jane. I love them all. We just bought a minivan with cash. I have been a stay at home mom for more than six years and we've always been a one car couple/family until now. I think any of these would make perfect bags for the kids on our outings. I hope we will get to go explore at least one full day a week. Pack lunches and bring our nature packs and go!

Sarah Wright@TheOrthodoxMama said:
December 10, 2015 @ 10:22 AM

The Grey Seattle Strip is lovely. It would be a perfect bag to take books to the library in!

Nancy said:
December 10, 2015 @ 11:27 AM

Hi Jane, trying my luck again to win any one of the bags for Florence. She could use the smaller one for treasures and the bigger one for ... anything really. She loves working in the garden, so it could be a harvest basket for her. I wish I had more time to knit and crochet up a bunch of crafts for her. :)

Charli said:
December 10, 2015 @ 11:34 AM

Oh, the Seattle Stripe one, definitely. Because I'm in Seattle and it's raining, and the idea of toting a dozen bright yellow lemons in a gray bag sounds magical.

Pamela Fisher said:
December 10, 2015 @ 12:08 PM

I have 4 daughters. With 5 females in the house we LOVE bags! We use them a LOT! :) We would love and cherish any of them. They are all so lovely that I wouldn't even begin to be able to choose one over the other. Thank you for the opportunity to win one of these bags!

Christina said:
December 10, 2015 @ 5:17 PM

I like them all! The gray one because it goes with everything! The bright one with the houses lining because I need something bright right now! Any of them really. I won't be able to see who you pick on the 16th because I will be reporting to the hospital for surgery. When I get out perhaps you can teach me to make purses if I don't win one--it seems a better hobby than surgery.

Coral Anderson said:
December 10, 2015 @ 11:04 PM

Oh Jane! Did you scold him? Our dogs just yesterday got into a very large, paper-ish bag and ate some of the children's Christmas chocolate. I certainly didn't prove myself very sanctified, saying far to many times, "Bad doggie! BAD doggie!!!" One pup in particular has found the corners of chairs perfect for sharpening his teensy Chihuahua-teeth: a blue painted wooden chair, a [now rather unsightly] white dresser, the underbelllied edges of a richly upholstered crimson living room chair. I laughed at the sad handle of Peppermint; I mean, really, chewed right through the yarn?? Puppies, sheesh. And of course, I wouldn't be posting if I didn't shamefacedly want to win one of your bags. Because I, like Stephanie, can't crochet. Actually, I can't knit either, or sew. How silly is that?! My youngest is 2, oldest is 9, a 5 year-old in between, and I've been begging someone to join 4-H and learn something useful with their hands since I quite clearly won't be knitting them cute bags anytime soon and feel tremendously, existentially guilty about the whole affair. They will have to just give into pressure and learn a hand-craft, or win yours. And perhaps they can be inspired to learn, make me one as darling as yours, and then we can all go collecting really fabulous items in our soft-sided, happy pouches together! Sigh. Merry Christmas, Jane. Your generosity is as soft and forgiving as your handicrafts.

jane g meyer replied:
December 17, 2015 @ 8:01 PM

The Seattle Stripe is yours! And yes, I scolded the pooch. :)

Coral replied:
December 17, 2015 @ 11:04 PM

Hooray for your continued love of all things shared! Maybe there is a book to be written about hand-made bags and the linking of children & mamas in a community...?

Kellie landrum said:
December 12, 2015 @ 10:00 AM

Love the grey Seattle stripe! Would be so sweet and "green" to use instead of the disposable fruit bags from the grocery store. :)

jane g meyer said:
December 17, 2015 @ 7:57 PM

...and the winners are! Red-Orange House: Stephanie! Brown-Blue Check: Michelle! And the Seattle Stripe: Coral! Thanks to all for entering. Always more bags in the works, and since I don't need any new ones, I'll keep going until you all eventually get one. Yes? A beautiful holiday to you all...

Stephanie replied:
December 17, 2015 @ 8:13 PM

Thank you so much Jane. What a sweetheart you are.

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